America The Beautiful by Joon Park

2018 Solo Exhibition

In the series America the Beautiful, Park Joon takes the viewers on a journey through the continent’s clandestine, silent and desolate landscapes. Like the silent breeze that awakens the stillness of the Death Valley or like a man possessed by an unknown spirit, Park boldly paves his way through the less traveled and untouched sites. His photographs are the ultimate incarnation of his supernatural encounter and convergence with nature. Park’s images capture his climatic confrontation with ancient landscapes – the moment he leaps from the pressures of reality into a state of self-oblivion. Without words or emotions, the artist seeks to capture a fleeting moment of the ever-changing terrains. Enraptured in the moment’s bliss, the photographer would stand in awe and reverence. Perhaps, for Park, it is both a moment of worship, as well as a delightful amusement. They say that a work of art reflects the artist’s life. Park’s photographs are stripped to its bare necessities – the absences of colors highlight, clarify, and define the images. These photographs truthfully reveal the artist’s modest, pure, and humble way of living.